Osho has used every opportunity for meditation, says Amrit Sadhana. According to him, the moments before going to sleep are crucial, as the last thoughts run through the sleeping state like an undercurrent.
This meditation is useful for those who feel a block inside.
First Stage
Before you go to sleep, sit on a chair or on your bed comfortably. Close your eyes and relax the whole body. If your body starts to slump forward, allow it to do so. So, keep a pillow in front of you and relax that way.
Second Stage
When you feel that the body has settled, enter into your being and go to your stomach, as if you have become very small and are going into your own stomach. In the stomach, you will feel very empty and dark. Accept that emptiness and darkness. If sometimes you forget about it, go in again. For 10 minutes, you have to make all efforts to go there and just be there.
If you have a block in the stomach, it will disappear slowly. You just have to bring your consciousness again and again to that block.
Consciousness functions like heat and any block can be dissolved by it; you just have to take the consciousness to it. It is just like a torch you take inside yourself.
After practising this meditation technique for a week, you will start feeling very cosy - it is like being under a very soothing light during dawn or on a full moon night.
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